
If you ♡ my stories ..

then you will love the way it feels when we write one of our own. ;)

How far is he willing to take this?

How far is he willing to take this?

One second he was talking to his client - a middle aged woman performing body weight squats - and the next he was silent. He had stopped speaking mid sentence, and this was odd. “Are you okay?” asked the woman.

His name is ______, and he is an aesthetically breathtaking male specimen. A trainer at one of my gyms, he is accomplished in multiple arenas and exudes a beguiling yet vaguely annoying air of prowess, ego and awkwardness.

I looked up and our eyes met. “Oh, sorry.” he said to her while maintaining an unwavering laser focus on me.

My eyes? I rolled them.

“Seriously, some people …” I thought to myself. As an an attractive, fit and athletically commanding woman, I am used to men staring. But this was different. He lacked tact. His internal thought stream was far too obvious for a man sporting such a large wedding ring. Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, he behaved like this while working directly with a woman. A woman whose demographic is not always particularly fond of women like me.

So I ignored him, continuing to lift in an area of the gym adjacent to theirs. Their conversation resumed it’s normal pace, and I was pleased to find that the woman seemed wholly uninterested in anything other than her workout.

But I caught him repeatedly eyeing me with a fascinated expression plastered like a billboard across his handsome face.

“Perhaps he has seen me online. Maybe he’s reached that stage of marriage where he’s started looking for alternate outlets. Does he know about Alyx?” I pondered this while also focusing on retracting my shoulder blades at the top of my bent over kettlebell rows.

The more I pondered this, the more intrigued I became. And at some point, the intrigue gave way to sheer arousal.

To this day - months later - our dance continues. The dance of his ham fisted advances and my obvious rebuttals has become habitual. But internally, I continue to wonder: Is he familiar with my alter ego? How often does he do this? (I have not seen him stare at any other woman. Period.) How far is he willing to take this dangerous game? What does his skin taste like?

What if we were to fuck in one of the showers on a Sunday, when his wife is at church and the gym is a ghost town?

Fucking My Boss

Fucking My Boss

Yellow Neon Light

Yellow Neon Light